Wawa Schwarbomb Sweepstakes
Enter the Wawa Schwarbomb Sweepstakes and you could score 1 of 25 grand prizes or 1 of 100 first prizes.
Grand prize winners will receive an autographed t-shirt, a autographed baseball, a hat, and aset of stickers. Approximate Retail Value (ARV) of each Grand Prize is $56.29. Total ARV of all Grand Prizes is $1,407.25.
First prize winners will each receive one a t-shirt (not autographed), a hat, and a set of stickers. ARV of each First Prize is $31.34. Total ARV of all First Prizes is $3,447.40.
Click over to the Wawa Schwarbomb Sweepstakes page and enter for the chance to win a Free Wawa Schwarberfest Swag Bundle.
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- Wawa
- T-Shirt
- Schwarberfest